Get Motivated
- Udgave: Lydbog (Digital)
- Sprog: Engelsk
Are you struggling to stay motivated? Increase your motivation to take action and tackle your tasks with energy and drive, so you can better achieve your goals.
Do you find it difficult to get yourself together and get things done that you need to do?
Experience the power of hypnosis to boost your motivation and drive, with this audio file. The audio file promotes increased inner drive that will help you tackle challenges with greater determination. It also assists you in overcoming any blockages, limitations, or procrastination efforts, that have held you back.
Hypnosis is a well-established method for accessing the subconscious mind, where many of our beliefs and patterns are stored. By altering these deep-seated beliefs through hypnosis, in a deeply relaxed and focused state, you can create lasting and positive change in your life. By listening repeatedly, the audio file allows you to integrate positive changes into your daily routine, which can have a lasting effect over time.
The audio file supports your goal of becoming motivated and reinforces some of the tips mentioned in this text. As you listen, you are guided to visualize yourself taking action towards your goals with energy and motivation. You will learn to replace any negative thought patterns with positive and empowering thoughts. By the end of the session, you can feel motivated and ready to tackle your tasks.
Some tips for things you can do yourself to become more motivated:
- Done is better than perfect. Perfectionism keeps you trapped in a feeling of paralysis and fear. Remember that you can pass an exam with a grade of 2 and that a grade of 10 is an excellent grade! Getting it finished really is much better than getting it perfect.
- How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. What is the smallest bite you can take to get started? What is the next little bite? By taking small bites, you make progress without feeling overwhelmed.
- Take notice of what you have accomplished. Don't tell yourself, "but it doesn't count because I'm not done yet." You have already gotten out of the starting gate, and if you don't acknowledge that, you'll become discouraged. Make a list and check off what you have done. (Not an electronic list where you delete what you've done because then you can't see what you've already accomplished, only what still has to be done.)
- When you have worked on a task but not completed it, end your work session by making a small Do-It-Now note for when you next continue working on the task, while this is fresh in your mind. Write down 3 SMALL, EASY things you can start with. These are small "elephant bites" that make it much easier, faster and more efficient to get started again.
- Investigate the Pomodoro Technique. Maybe it's something for you? In short, it’s a technique where you work in "chunks" of 25 minutes at a time and then take short breaks of 5 minutes in between.
- Investigate the Bullet Journal. Maybe it's something that will work for you? In short, it’s a journal where you keep track of what needs to be done and ALSO what has been done, both big and small tasks.
It is important to listen to the audio file several times for it to be effective. It is recommended to listen once a day for two weeks, and then as needed. Make sure you can listen undisturbed.
It is important to listen to the audio file several times for it to be effective. It is recommended to listen once a day for two weeks, and then as needed. Make sure you can listen undisturbed.
The audio file is provided in two versions: with and without music, so you can choose to listen to the one you prefer.
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